
没有人真正知道数字化转型意味着什么, 但每个人都想从它承诺的成果中分一杯羹.

Digital transformation is the 过程 by which companies embed technologies across their businesses 开车 fundamental 改变.


现在我们有了一个定义,数字化转型是 过程 使用 技术 开车 改变 组织运作的方式. 为了更深入,让我们将数字化转型分解为两个关键概念:

1. 数字化: 从模拟到数字的转换过程. In the past, lots of organisations kept records on paper and business data was in analogue form. 如果人们需要共享信息,那就是纸张、活页夹和传真. 所以引入电脑,把所有的墨水转换成电脑文件.g. scanning a photo and storing it on a computer) and record how the 过程 moves through the organisation.

2. 取样频率: 利用数字技术改变组织的工作方式. It goes beyond a project and aims to influence wider ways of working to achieve simpler and more efficient 流程. 数字化并不是要改变你做生意的方式, 这是全球最大的博彩平台提高流程的速度.


  • 降低手工流程的成本
  • 通过标准化流程提高效率
  • 让未来的适应变得更容易 
  • 实现数据驱动的决策
  • 改善员工体验

This all sounds great – what organisation wouldn’t want to digitally transform with outcomes like these on offer?


数字化转型需要以客户为导向, 在组织的各个方面采用数字优先的方法. 这包括其业务模式、客户体验、流程和操作.


数字化领先 means that teams often focus on replacing or introducing 技术 to improve 流程 without thinking about the human layer.

数字化转型项目 英国广播公司(BBC)开始着手实现生产运营的现代化, 改变他们管理数据和向受众提供内容的方式, 以及降低成本. Consultancy firm PwC conducted a review of how the project was managed and found there was a lack of oversight from the leadership team, alongside an inability of the overall governance structure to manage the project’s complexity effectively.

该报告还指出,虽然技术进步是优先考虑的, 改善商业实践和运营并没有得到同样的关注. This demonstrates that focusing on the digital 改变 and not the wider impact of culture can cause a transformation to fail.


Digital transformation projects are often run by IT departments or CTOs who are provided with a fixed budget to be delivered at a set time.

这带来了一些问题. Not having enough money to develop the solution to actually deliver 改变 means that technologies are usually swapped rather than improved – resulting in no real 改变.

Having a specific date for delivery can cause teams to rush and skip key functionality which can lead to the new system doing less than the old one – resulting in a loss of staff trust. 当一个转换项目属于一个特定的规程时, it means that it will sometimes struggle to consider the impact of the wider organisation – resulting in the transformation delivering on a siloed objective.

In 1996, 好时需要一个更强大的ERP系统 以取代其遗留的IT系统. 系统的更换预计将耗资1.12亿美元. The transition to a new system was estimated to last 48 months but Hershey’s leadership reduced the timeline to just 30 months.

To hit the shorter timeline, they had to cut down on their 流程 and ship as quickly as possible. This resulted in over $100m worth of orders left unfulfilled despite Hershey having the inventory. 这使季度收入减少了19%,公司股票下跌了8%.


技术可以用来代替手工流程, 但这本质上意味着工作职责, 流程和团队结构都需要一些变化的元素.

当你只关注数字化的时候 变换实际上只是一个数字叠加 现有过程的.

HM Passport Office (HMPO) serves over 8 million customers annually as the sole provider of UK passports to British citizens. 它的转型历程是高度线性的, 手册, one size fits all 过程 involving the handling of large volumes of paper and turning it into a modern, 数字化的过程. 他的野心是 到2020年,超过90%的应用程序将完全数字化并实现自动化 辅以广泛使用的数据分析. This would result in HMPO having the facility to issue some passports without human intervention. 

这一数字之旅仍在努力和加强中, 尤其是目前对护照的需求. 然而, 因为英国有各种不同类型的用户, they are still not able to fully turn off the 手册 过程 and still have the facility to apply for a passport via the post office (particularly for more complex cases). 


有效改造, 组织必须专注于以人为本和实验性的方法来进行变革.


  • 使用这个系统的人需要如何重组? 
  • 人们的技能如何与这种转变所需的技能相匹配? 
  • 我们需要什么样的人才能在未来实现这一目标呢?


服务设计 对任何转变都有帮助,因为它始于对问题的研究. 这项研究涵盖了一个组织的内部, (团队结构, 流程, 工具, 领导力和愿景)和外部(客户体验和更广泛的现实环境).


This allows us to understand how a company operates internally and what systems they use to deliver a customer experience, 哪个通常在服务蓝图中表示.


创建这种工件有助于识别组织内正在发生的事情, 的挑战, 工作的不一致和重复, 同时也为客户发现体验中的问题. Using all these frustrations we can pull out opportunities across multiple areas of the organisation (not just technologies).


服务设计 puts users at the heart of the 改变 by conducting research methods such as interviews and contextual observation to understand their needs as well as frustrations in the organisation. It also helps staff members feel involved because you are understanding the world from their perspective, 什么时候是使任何改变有效的一大步 抵抗往往是常态.


Assessing the effectiveness of an organisation from multiple angles helps to find the root cause of challenges. 在代码, we do this using our 服务框架 to set out clear research objectives and an analysis framework.


Looking at the organisation through these different lenses helps us to identify the 改变 required from a top-down and bottom-up perspective. This then allows the organisation to deliver products and services in the middle (notice how 技术 is only one part of the 改变).


Code的服务设计遵循我们的 产品的思考 学习的方法刚好足够做下一个决定, 做出改变并观察结果. 为此,我们扩展了双菱形, 所以我们积极考虑改变以及如何衡量影响.


以这种方式工作可以让我们有长远的眼光, 并以较小的实验形式进行改变,这样我们就可以根据我们看到的影响进行调整. 这都是敏捷工作方式的一部分.



Organisational 改变 means we consider the whole of an organisation rather than one small part to create 改变. 我们从产品思维的背景出发,通过完善的实践来做到这一点:

  • A设计思维 approach to problem-solving that focuses on user needs and testing ideas because 改变 is complex and full of uncertainty.
  • 精益和敏捷 持续改进的迭代方法, 因为变化是非线性的,需要持续的关注来改进.
  • 以人为本 合作,授权和共同创造,因为改变是情绪化的,容易受到抵制.

We believe in Change over Transformation because the approach allows you to see the impact of 改变 faster and adapt to the outcome.


All this is powered by creating a new mindset within the organisation that reduces resistance to 改变. It’s about creating a culture that embodies the following principles to enable the organisation to move forward in the future:

  • 授权员工和团队 ——自主、开放、协作、服务型领导 
  • 以视觉方式思考和工作 -我们的工作和进展总是对我们的团队和利益相关者可见
  • 适应和迭代 -响应不断变化的需求,并根据自己的见解不断调整工作的优先级
  • 从结果开始 -了解客户/业务价值流,专注于减少“浪费”
  • 不断地学习 -反思、试验、持续改进和边际收益

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