

Primarily focussed on posting films and TV shows for subscribers to watch, 近年来, 它已经成为一个家喻户晓的名字.

直到2006年, 这家公司专门经营邮政业务, 但随着科技的进步, 而不是落后, 他们遵循客户需求,将产品数字化.

We’ve taken a look at Netflix’s marketing techniques and some of their most successful campaigns to take inspiration from. 


现在, it’s rare to come across a person who doesn’t have a Netflix subscription (or at least a person who makes use of the multiple account options). Since launching in 1997, Netflix has become a staple streaming service in homes across the globe. 

232.500万付费用户 at the start of this year, according to Statista, Netflix has seen an increase of 1.与上一季度相比增加了7500万用户. Their effective marketing strategy works seamlessly because of their customer-centric approach and putting focus on content marketing.

不管你是否意识到, Netflix is constantly gathering together data on everything you like and don’t like. 每次看节目的时候, 你有机会给它打分, and you’ll always have a section on your homepage with “Because you watched…”. The way Netflix creates personalised viewing experiences and analyses data is all a technique to attract users to the platform and to keep them engaged.

目前,有 6.92亿Netflix观众 全球(比去年增长6%), 到2024年,他们预计观众将增加到7.25亿. So, it’s clear that their marketing strategy has been extremely successful!


We’ve highlighted some of the best examples of Netflix’s marketing strategy and why these campaigns were a hit.


The new season of Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror landed back on our screens this month and, 正如预期的, gave us a whole new dystopian outlook on the way we use streaming services.

第一集, 题目是《十大正规博彩网站评级》, featured a parody version of Netflix called Streamberry and plays off the all-too-real scenario of not reading the T’s and C’s as we probably should. 为了配合这部剧的上映, Netflix公布了Streamberry的宣传网站, which has left many Netflix subscribers making eerie comparisons to the show.

The Streamberry site gives users the opportunity to ‘sign up’ to the platform. The sign-up consists of uploading an image of yourself which they then have the right to publish on a billboard as a way to recreate the plot of the show.

Since the start of the campaign, more and more billboards have cropped up across the UK. From Cardiff to London, other people’s “X is Awful” is gaining more and more traction. 一个完全怪异但又富有想象力的竞选!


世界上有两种人, those who have watched Emily in Paris and those who have watched it but deny it. 莉莉·柯林斯主演, Emily in Paris focuses on an always-optimistic American trying to hit the ground running at a French marketing agency based in Paris. 

在剧中,“艾米丽”提出了一整套营销理念. 但真正落地的是麦棍面包. 在节目中, the French refer to fast food as “un petit plaisir” (a little treat), 所以以这个为灵感, 麦棍面包诞生了, combining Parisian’s love of bread and cheese with a notable fast-food chain.

McDonald’s then seized the opportunity to release a real version of the McBaguette, featuring a special packaging which sent fans of the show flocking to get their own.‍


When Tim Burton’s highly-anticipated show Wednesday starring Jenna Ortega landed on Netflix, 这家流媒体服务公司确实加大了宣传力度. 他们最成功的项目之一是“The 事情”活动. 

If you’ve ever seen The Addams Family, you’ll know of the silent character called Thehttp://www.digitalmediateam.co.uk/blog-posts/an-overview-of-netflix-marketing-strategy-and-why-it-works 事情. 为了吸引观众的注意, Netflix让一只可控的手在纽约市自由活动, 让公众吓一跳,然后拍下他们的反应. The campaign itself garnered a whole lot of engagement, and the video got over 39 million views!

当《十大正规博彩网站评级》正式上映时,这部剧超越了 1.总观看时间为20亿小时 in just three weeks since its debut - making it one of the most-watched shows in Netflix history, 因此,营销努力显然得到了回报.


陌生的东西 is the highest-grossing Netflix series of all time, so it’s unsurprising that the marketing for each season has been top-tier. 陌生的东西 single-handedly catapulted the 1980s back into fashion in a big way. 

One of their most-effective marketing strategies was how they executed bringing the upside down into the real world. Ahead of last season, various nods to 陌生的东西 cropped up in unexpected ways.

Bondi Beach in Australia hosted a 20ft long installation with paranormal investigators for a little extra drama, as well as 15 landmarks in 14 countries who also got involved with the campaign too. Buildings such as the Empire State Building in New York and Menara Kuala Lumpur Tower in Malaysia projected installations for the whole city to see, 这是一个非常引人注目的营销举措!

‍好了. Just a few examples of how Netflix ace their marketing strategy every single time. 我想我们错过了一场竞选? 让我们知道! 

